
Laurent Gervais



RAGT is a historic French company created by the farmers in 1919. The company RAGT is one of the European leader in seed business, registered more than 250 new field crop varieties each year in EU, breeding 32 species. With more than 50 years of investment in legume breeding, RAGT offers leading varieties in pea, fababean, soybean, and forage crops (alfalfa, clover…). RAGT invests more than 18% of its turnover to develop solutions for farmers. More than 400 people are dedicated to R&D, spread across 21 breeding stations worldwide. Being innovative and solution providers are the driver of the company as part of its internal research activities but also through a numerous partnerships both with private and public. The breeding programs are supported by greenhouse facilities, molecular biology lab and plant pathology and a team of experts in plant biology, pathology, agronomy, genetics and statistics.


Role in the Legume Generation project

RAGT has a long history and a strong expertise in legume breeding. In Legume Generation, our contribution will focus on pea and soybean crops. For both crops we will provide germplasm and run multilocation trials with field phenotyping on agronomic and quality traits. The genetic diversity studied will be analysed in collaboration with the geneticist experts and introduced in our germplasm to boost the genetic gain of our breeding programs.